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Bar Services & Beverages serving Columbus, OH

View all bar services & beverages in Columbus
Quick responder
Liquid Flair Entertainment

5.0 (2)

Bethel Park, PA
Serves Columbus, OH
Starts at $1,500
Quick responder
Dry Run Mobile Sips

5.0 (3)

Ashville, OH
Serves Columbus, OH
Starts at $3
Pour 2 Your Door

5.0 (3)

Indianapolis, IN
Serves Columbus, OH
Starts at $10
KH Bartending

5.0 (2)

North Olmsted, OH
Serves Columbus, OH

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Frequently asked questions

How much does an open bar at a wedding cost?

Price per person can vary based on your location, venue, and alcohol package. On average, cost per person is $11– $45 a head. This changes depending on the alcohol you choose:
  • Full open bar: $35–$45 per person
  • Limited open bar: $20–$25 per person
  • Beer and wine only: $15–20 per person

How much should we tip the bartender at our wedding?

A good general rule of thumb is to tip 18–25%. If they provide really exceptional service, a nice tip is the best way to show your appreciation.

What drinks should we serve at our wedding?

Many people choose to serve wine, beer, champagne or sparking wine, and liquor. Specialty cocktails are also a fun way to personalize your wedding even more. Make sure to have some non-alcoholic options available for guests who don’t drink, too.

What is a cash bar at a wedding?

Cash bars require guests to purchase their own drinks, saving you a significant amount of money. You can also partially subsidize drinks, transition to a cash bar after a certain point in the event, or require payment for liquor while keeping wine and beer free.

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