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Cakes & Desserts serving Columbus, OH

View all bakers in Columbus
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Ronnie’s Custom Cookies

5.0 (1)

Columbus, OH
Starts at $48
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Our Cupcakery

5.0 (3)

Dublin, OH
Starts at $36
Awarded Best of Zola
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The Ice Cream Social Co

5.0 (1)

Delaware, OH
Serves Columbus, OH
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Sweet Buckets

5.0 (3)

Florence, KY
Serves Columbus, OH for additional fees
Starts at $300
Awarded Best of Zola
View all (10+)

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Frequently asked questions

How much do wedding cakes cost?

Wedding cakes can range from $3–$15 per serving. Tiered cakes are more expensive than sheet cake styled cakes.

How should we cut our wedding cake?

Traditionally, you’d do a ceremonial cutting first, often holding hands on the knife. The caterer then takes the cake away and cuts it into slices to distribute to guests. If you’re slicing it up yourselves, take apart the tiers and cut them into small rectangles. Remember to wrap and freeze the top layer for your anniversary!

How should we transport our wedding cake?

Very carefully! Ideally, your cake will be delivered by your bakery, which should have plenty of experience transporting cakes. You can also purchase special boxes made to protect the tiers.

When should we order our wedding cake?

Set up tastings (the fun part!) around 7 months out. Once you’ve decided, place your order.

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