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Catering serving Columbus, OH

View all caterers in Columbus
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Sweet Carrot

5.0 (1)

Columbus, OH
Starts at $20
Together & Company

5.0 (3)

Columbus, OH
Starts at $40
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The Cheesecake Girl

5.0 (1)

Dublin, OH
Starts at $50
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Roosters Catering and Food Truck

5.0 (4)

Pickerington, OH
Serves Columbus, OH
Starts at $300
Awarded Best of Zola
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Chef D Catering LLC

3.0 (6)

Las Vegas, NV
Serves Columbus, OH for additional fees
Starts at $2,000
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Late to the Lake

5.0 (7)

Grand Haven, MI
Serves Columbus, OH for additional fees
Starts at $450
Awarded Best of Zola
View all (10+)

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Frequently asked questions

How much does wedding catering cost?

When thinking about catering cost, consider drinks, hors d'oeuvres and stations, and the main meal itself. Bar services are quoted per person and pricing often depends on what alcohol you want (more expensive packages include pricier labels). Hors d'oeuvres and stations are also priced per person, with variable costs for more expensive options like lobster rolls. For the main meal, consider what you’d spend per head going out to a restaurant in your area—the cost per person at your wedding will be similar. Keep in mind that plated meals cost more per person than buffets.

When should we book our wedding caterer?

Choosing a wedding caterer is an important decision for many couples—good food can really make an event stellar! It’s best to start researching caterers 10–12 months out, and book around 8 months out. You may not always be able to schedule a tasting before booking your caterer. For many smaller vendors, the effort and expense to put together tastings without a signed contract is prohibitive. In these cases, your tasting will take place after you’ve booked the caterer and will focus on refining menu choices.

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