
Wedding florists in Oakland, CA

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Florists in Oakland, CA

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About wedding florists in Oakland, CA

What's the average price range for florists in Oakland, CA?

There are a number of different factors that influence the total cost of a wedding floral package, including the type of flowers you're using, the size of your bridal party, and amount of floral decorative elements at your wedding (don't forget gorgeous extras like ceremony arches). In Oakland, CA, bouquets range from $100 to $400. Centerpieces typically range from $100 to $1,000. The minimum price for florists often takes into account the amount of effort and time required to pull together the creations.

Which are the most popular florists in Oakland, CA?

What questions should I ask when booking a wedding florist?

Florists offer a range of different services that you'll want to ask about before you book. For example:

  • Do they offer rentals of structures and additional decor?
  • Can they create mockups or sample arrangements?
  • Will they assist with flower preservation if that's something you're interested in?
  • Is breakdown/cleanup included in the package?
  • What types of florists are in Oakland, CA?

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